Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Benjamin Le:
Hey SUPPORTERS! I have been enjoying my training in New Haven very much. I will have to admit that I was a little unsure exactly why this program required me to be trained for 4 days before going to Uganda. After being here and learning about all the deeper issues of poverty, NGO development, the culture and where the Gospel of Jesus Christ fits all into that, it became very clear to me that this trip was not as simple as wealthy americans going to a poor place, building something or helping out, then leaving feeling better about themselves. Our world is very much deeply broken. I need to prepare for what I was about to see.

And now, as I write this blog, we are making final packing preparations before we head over to New York to fly out. I am getting so excited. I have met the rest of my team and they are an amazing group of students and staff leaders.

Yes, I am a little scared but I felt that God has very much revealed the aspect of how secure our God is to the point where he can go into any situation in total assurance that He is above our circumstances and doubts. This is going to be one HECK of a trip.

Thank you very much again for ALL your prayers and support. I hope to update you while I am in Uganda.


Sarah Bergeron:
I have really enjoyed the institute, I've learned a LOT about the culture and how to approach a culture much different from my own. I have been very much inspired by the speakers, especially the one who talked about how God is a god of every culture, not just one, and that even though there are many ways of worship, God loves them all! I also like the approach we are taking of going and joining with other organizations, so that we don't cause more hurt than help by leaving without followup. I'm very ready to go to Uganda and I cant wait to see what is in store for us there!

Caleb Kim:
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I cannot fully put into words here the ways my faith has grown even before physically going to Uganda. God's fiery refining of my faith, the expansion of my vision/attitude regarding both the Christian & non-Christian communities/cultures back home and around the world, learning about the NGOs' approach and current problems/situations in their locations of ministry are only parts of what I've experienced during the 4-day institution in New Haven, CT.

It almost seems that a month is too short for significant action on our part; I feel that I can only learn and observe more... God has been humbling me so much by showing me how small my concept of His greatness was. I know that God will continue to break my heart and teach me so much more during our time in Uganda. Please continue to pray for me and of course, our team! A simple "thank you" does not do justice for the gratitude I want to show for the support God and his community has shown me throughout this time, but I still want to say it: so thank you all so, so much.

Mom, Dad, Sean: I love you guys, don't miss me too much, I'll see you all in a month (except Dad... since you'll be in Korea for a bit longer: I'll miss you a bit more than others)

Sam Asker:
Wow. I feel like I've been transformed in some ways before even leaving New England. This five-day Institute has forced me to confront my views of "missions" and "service," and even to reevaluate my perception of the global church. The speakers we've heard have informed me both spiritually and intellectually. Can't wait to see what lessons God has for us once we actually get to East Africa!
I'm both nervous and excited about jetting off tonight. It's exhilarating to think of the conversations with sibs in Christ that will occur in Uganda, as well as the opportunities to share His love and grace with people we come into contact with. Pray for clear communications, cultural sensitivity and humility in the name of learning for our team. And some super-cool outpourings of God's redemptive love wouldn't go amiss, either :)
Thanks and love to my beautiful family/friends who have supported me in so many wonderful ways. I love you all so much and will return with many tales to tell!

Eveling Vasquez:
Our God is truly magnificent! I can't even begin to express how blessed I feel to be here in New Haven and venture off with such an amazing team to Uganda this summer. I am ecstatic to begin this adventure and work alongside my Ugandan brothers and sisters for the next couple of weeks to work for the Lord's perfect mission of Love. These last couple of days have been so enriching and challenging: they have pushed me into being transparent in order to establish long lasting relationships, accepting that the Lord will use my fears and weakness to build his Kingdom, and definitely rethinking what missions in the 21st century should look like.
To my family and friends, thank you so much for keeping me and the team in your prayers. You're all in my heart and I can't wait until I get to share this wonderful experience with you. Peace & Love.

Jared Incillo
"Therefore since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sing which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us" Hebrews 12:1
After having spent these few short days in New Haven awaiting our departure I feel as ready as I will ever be to experience the things which God has for me. Some of our speakers have really helped shape my view of missions in many aspects, and I am excited to be able to experience these things for myself.
For those of you whom have been supporting me from the start I thank you and pray that the Lord blesses you greatly.

Erin Kole:
Wow. Emotionally, spiritually exhausted but in the best way possible. The past five days have been so intense-- packed with speakers (of whose caliber I am super impressed), team building and a lot of the kind of conversations I love to have. It's hard to believe that tonight we're heading out! Uganda. I wonder what it will feel like to stand on African soil for the first time. Our very first speaker of the week, Dr. Emmanuel Kotangole, encouraged us to view our trip through some spiritual lens, some scripture. I am seeking shalom, the restoration of all things. How can I learn and give (challenge and be challenged) at the same time in order to be a part of God's healing in this world... we'll see :) As we journey, I am greatly comforted by the overwhelming prayer support from my family and friends. Mom, Dad, Nick and schlebe Chris-- I LOVE YOU. Will be thinking of you and cannot wait to share a little piece of Africa with you when I return, Erbear.

Tyler Mingalone:
At the beginning of the week we were told that this Institute would be like trying to take a sip from a fire hose, ad that has proven to be incredibly true...The speakers have truly shaped my idea of both global missions, as well as my idea of who I am and where I find my personal identity. Our group is really finding its home and love for each other, and it has been such a blessing to be able to grow and connect with each of my teammates. This trip has already been shaping how I think and feel, and my view of God. It has especially been wonderful to realize just how small my view of God is, and how much more amazing and wonderful he is than I could have ever imagined. :) Miss you Mom, Dad, Travis, and Camie--Love you all and cannot wait to see you and share with you all I've seen and heard :)

Hailey Alm
Just rereading some of my team members posts reminds me of how overwhelming and encouraging this week has been. It truly has been so much information that has really made me rethink a lot of thinks and think about some things for the first time. I had no idea what to expect with these for days in New Haven, and if you asked me to say all that has happened, I wouldn't be able to, but God has spoken and encouraged me through so many people. Our speakers have said and done SO much but every one on this team is so full of God's love and joy, and I'm so blessed to be traveling with all of them for the next month.




  2. Miss you too, Tyler! Can't wait to hear about everything! =)
