Wednesday, June 9, 2010

An update from Team B in Kampala

Greetings! Oli Otya!

It is the morning of our 5th day in Kampala and we're adjusting well so far. Team B is working with two different organizations - 6 are located at the New Start home near Entebbe and 17 are staying with Come, Let's Dance. So far those of us with CLD have toured the farm, the land and buildings that will soon be a medical clinic and school, the sewing shop, and the children's home. On Tuesday we all went in smaller teams to help out at these sites. We worked on the live fence that they're growing at the farm, cleared debris and yard waste at the new school and clinic site, and cleaned, conversed and made bead necklaces with women at the sewing shop.

It is eye-opening to experience life in such a different context - things I take for granted in the States don't exist here, and yet so many things exist here that I never knew I was missing out on. Here are a few things we've enjoyed so far: walking up the road to grab a rolex (chapati rolled around a fried egg) and soda, sweating profusely while working outside, playing with the happiest kids we've ever seen, and singing praise and reading scripture together each morning. Much of our time here has been spent talking, waiting, and just being with each other. We're learning how to be in community with others and build deep relationships. At times this can be frustrating for those of us eager to "do work" but it is so important to connect with people first before we try to help.

Yesterday while we were all at the New Start home some of the boys who live there were teaching us Americans how to play the drums. Lina, Jared, Leah, Erin and I all took turns playing while Caleb took many pictures and Eveling danced with Justin, Phiona, Julie, and Faith, some of the Ugandans on our team. It was a fun time, we'll try to get some pictures posted soon!

Until the next post,
Kate and Team B


  1. Sounds amazing! I'm praying for y'all :)

  2. Praying for you all and loving you muchly! So good to get an update.
